Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica

This is an old webpage carried forward to our new site. Please note that some of the information might be out of date and we probably have newer footage.

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

Costa Rica is famous for its conservation areas one of which is Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. The amount of biodiversity it conserves is amazing. The numbers of birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and mammals is greater than many other countries. The reserve was started, funded, and operated by private initiatives. A foreign biologist, amazed by what he found, but concerned about rapid development around the site, worked with locals to protect the area.

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is an amazing biological conservation area. The numbers of birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and mammals it conserves is amazing. But getting video of them can be a challenge. The dark jungle, the rain, and the blowing winds (in season) all conspire against the videographer. Add to that the frustrating of filming a flirting never-stopping small songbird in the forest canopy and you have a great challenge. Nevertheless, it has great wildlife video and photography opportunities.