Wildlife Profiles This page is a repository of web pages from the old website. Please note that some of the information might be out of date and we probably have much better footage for some species. African ElephantAfrican LionAlligatorAnteaterBaboonBadgerBald and Golden EagleBatsBeaverBighorn SheepBisonBlack-footed FerretBlack-tailed Prairie DogBobcatBrown (Grizzly) BearButterflies Cape BuffaloCaribouCoyoteCraneDucksElkFish (Freshwater)GiraffeMonkeyMooseMouse and VoleMusk OxOwlsPrairie ChickenPraying MantisPronghorn Antelope Ruffed GrouseSage GrouseSalmonSea OtterSharp-tailed GrouseSlothSongbird (Forest)Songbird (Grassland)Swift FoxTigerTree SquirrelVultureWild TurkeyWolf